Kubi Springer Talks About Rebranding Visit Malaysia 2020 on Bernama News Channel

This summer in July 2019, Kubi Springer visits Malaysia once again to offer her branding expertise. Kubi has had the pleasure to work with many clients from Malaysia, making it her 17th visit to the beautiful country of Malaysia in South East Asia. As well as working with clients such as Bank of Islam, University Malaysia Kelantan, University Kebangsaan and University Putra Malaysia.
During her two week visit, Kubi was sought out by television channel Burnama News Channel to give her expert advice on rebranding the Campaign Visit Malaysia for 2020 along with her experience in Malaysia, what the fundamentals for a national brand, what is a international brand image and how to use social media to represent a country as well as answering some common question such as:
What is a Brand
What is a Personal Brand
What is the basic strategic approach on Branding
Brand Perception
How to measure success
Check out the full video here to watch the full interview on what Kubi has to say.